Sunday, 14 July 2013

Jesus is the answer

The more I read the bible the more I am shocked that churches in South Africa supported the government with racial segregation during apartheid. To me it reveals how cowardice the church is. Going against the word of God to please man. God's authority trumps man's authority. All the time! How can you read Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."  and still believe that some people are superior to others? God even repeated it twice that we are made in his image. Twice! How dare you replace the male and female with the lie that only white male and white female were made in the image of God? Who do you think you are? I remember at high school going into a room where a bunch of hymn books were hidden. For some reason, God made us look at this one hymn and it said "Jesus is coming! Jesus will come again! ...We hope he isn't black" can you imagine living like that?! Hoping you very own Saviour is not black?

I shudder to think what the South African church is cowardice about today? Is the church taking full responsibility of single parent households? Do they blame themselves for the gruesome rapes, the terrible crime and poor state of affairs in our country. Are they blaming themselves for the number of young people who risk their lives to AIDS/HIV just to feel loved?  Why are we silent when the government is telling children as young as 13 to condomise instead of abstaining? You might say it's not my responsibility but you know what Jesus could have stayed in heaven and watched us go to hell. He took responsibility for our sins. The question we should ask ourselves as the church is whether we truly know who Jesus is. Don't we know this mighty God who demands so much more from us?

A true encounter with Jesus will transform you. I have "tasted and seen" how precious God really is. God is so powerful and wants to use his bride - the church- to make a difference in this world. We as members of the church are meant to be the salt. Add flavour in the world that is broken and looking for answers. Luke 14:34-35 says “Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile. It is thrown away. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” The bible says that a people of God who have lost their saltiness are not even fit to be thrown on a pile of manure! You are useless even to a pile of manure!

My prayer is that South African churches can get back their saltiness. I pray for pastors to preach the truth, allow it to change people and let the change agents influence the rest of the country. Children at 13 should be preserving their innocence not be trying to figure out how to use a condom. Jesus in the answer that South Africa desperately needs.

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, 
may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better
Ephesians 1:17

I conclude by this song by Casting Crows - What if my people prayed. Prayer can change everything!
"What if the church for heaven's sake, finally stepped up to the plate
Took a stand upon God's promise..."

God bless
(image courtesy of google images)

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