Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Make friends with Christians

Mark Driscoll wrote on facebook ---Three things that will change your life: 1) Believe the Bible; 2) Make friends with Christians; 3) Pray for others. 

I saw this post by Mark Driscoll and I got it. I mean I really understood how believing the bible, making friends with Christians and praying for others could change someone's life. 

Believing the bible
After a wonderful day with my friends, we decided to do it again by having a movie night and sleepover at my place. I was looking forward to it so much that I told my mom about it and she suggested that we do communion. Communion is when you eat bread and drink wine in memory of what Jesus did on the cross. Having grown in the Catholic church I knew that communion was reserved for church because the priest was the only one with the authority to turn the bread and wine to the body and blood of Christ. So before I could do it, I went to the bible looking for what Jesus actually says. In Luke 22:19-20 it says And he (Jesus) took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them saying, "This is my body given to you; do this in remembrance of me.' In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. When I read the bible I noticed the truth. Jesus did not ask me to bring a pastor or a priest before I could share in the communion. I was ready to do it at my place. The next thing was my friend's reaction - would they welcome this suggestion? 

Making friends with Christians
On the 19 July, which happens to be my sister's birthday,  I watched as these wonderful women filled my place with excitement, love, laughter, happiness and warmth. It was so good to open the door to a big smile, a hug and to each person bringing something for all to enjoy. Some of the ladies were meeting each other for the first time but greeted each other with such warmth. It was beautiful to be a part of it.

We watched a movie with lots of commentary from the peanut gallery (LOL!).  Whilst we were warming the food, I shared how I was telling my mom about our get together and she recommended we have communion. They all said "What a wonderful idea!". After eating we had a moment of prayer just thanking God for all our blessings. We shared in the communion and then went around the room sharing what we are grateful for. I believe that Jesus was right there with us - beaming to see young women with a passion for him.

This is what I shared with them - When I was praying for marriage, one of the things I used to say to God is that I want my home to glorify Him. As I stood in the mist of that praise and worship, the Holy Spirit revealed that my prayer has been answered.  Jesus revealed that I have a home full of people who are bringing Glory to Him! I was in awe!!! It was not as I imagined it would be but it was exactly what I had asked for. God is too good. 

The rest of the weekend was awesome - we had breakfast, watched sermons and departed with prayer thanking God for all his blessings.

Beautiful ladies gracing my home

Fellowship and love picture courtesy of Natasha:) 

Praying for others
I am blessed with friends who are believers. We pray for each other. We share intimate details of our lives and trust God for a solution. We encourage each other. We share scriptures and we grow in our understanding of Jesus Christ. My personal prayer life has also been transformed. I actually pray for people. So when I say I will keep you in my prayers it's not something I say lightly. I make a note of it and genuinely pray for that person during my quiet time.

To my family in Dubai, I am so grateful that God brought us together. I know that no-one can tear these relationships apart because Jesus formed them for his great purpose. I am looking forward to long-lasting friendships with my sisters in Jesus Christ. 

God bless
(bible image courtesy of google images)

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