Thursday, 31 October 2013

Skydiving Baby!!!

On the 5 October I decided to go Skydiving. It was exhilarating! I think it was less scary than bungee jumping because when you bungee you actually feel that rope tug at you. With a tandem jump you get the comfort of having someone with experience plunge with you! I had to sign a waiver which reinforced the danger I was putting myself in. That made me realise that as with any risk there is a chance things may not go according to plan. That was scary. The guy sitting next to me told me that he has his entire will re-written before coming and had timed it to send to his parents in case he didn't live to tell the tale! Ya, that was the last thing I needed to hear.

There is something freeing about listening to an expert. Someone who knows what they are doing. So I chose to drown this man's voice and listen to Nas, my instructor, who has done 10 jumps per day for 7 years! He gave me the routine "banana" position that I need to adopt during the jump. Then he made me laugh. His advise was to enjoy it because it's over so quickly and to remember to SMILE!

Looks like I listened check out my photos below:

Nas was quite a character ! Made me enjoy the experience even more.

Before we got off the plane he said Look at the camera and before I knew it we were off the plane. I have to smile for photos!

And we are off!

Looking at this makes me realise that I actually jumped off a plane. I DID IT!


A dive with a purpose

I told you that I love cameras check out the smile!

I'm flying

Breath-taking view: God-given talent meets God's beauty - the Palm 


Look at how tiny the Burj Al Arab looks in this picture

Dubai and it's skyscrapers

Let's do it again: Nas and I after my jump!

Things worth noting:
  1. It really goes by very quickly - the drop from the plane was only 45seconds and we dropped 2500m in that time
  2. Enjoy the view! When the parachute was open it was just stunning looking at the water and the Palm 
  3. Do something this exhilarating with a purpose it makes it that much more fulfilling - I did my jump to inspire my cousin who was going through a difficult time at the time
  4. Try something new! You've be surprised how many people you inspire along the way:)
God bless

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