Wednesday, 4 September 2013

You're not easy to love...

“But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you." Luke 6:27-28.

I recently read these words and I was challenged. I had to really think about how I have applied them in my life. The truth is that I hardly have. How do you love someone who hates you? How do you pray for someone who disrespects you? How do you love someone who disregards you? How do you bless someone who curses you? And how do you pray for someone who abuses your kindness or generosity? 

Advice that we usually hear about enemies is to avoid them. If you cannot avoid them completely, say it's a work colleague or a friend in a bigger circle of friends, then you reduce the time spent with them. I've also heard people say keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Jesus comes with something that is contradictory to our human nature. He asks us to love our enemies. Jesus commands us to be good to those who hate us. I know what I want to do to my enemies, loving them is not one of those things. I want to expose them, let the whole wide world know how horrible they are. I want them to fall so that I can laugh at their misery. Not out loud so that people can hear but in my heart where only I can hear as I mutter the socially acceptable "Sorry to hear that". I get it when I'm asked to avoid such people because it's a much easier than having to go through the pain of love them. 

I am still learning how to practically love my enemies because I have to undo behaviours that come naturally to me such as gossiping about them; talking badly about them; canvasing other people behind my dislike of them and enjoying it when others speak badly about them.

I have learnt that as a Christians we are plugged in to the very source of love - God. And because Jesus' love is all-satisfying, not getting love back from an enemy is not a big deal. Sure it hurts, but you are building upon a firm foundation Luke 6:47-48. You are learning that joy comes from being obedient to God.  

God puts people around you for a reason. It's by grace that you have the enemy in your mist 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. Do not be so keen to get rid of the pain that you miss the lesson God has for you in this situation.  

It allows you to add a prayer item in your prayer list. What a privilege, you get to spend time with God in prayer. It's better to pray about something that matters to them than you. For example, if a work colleague is treating you badly because they are stressed about a family situation, then pray that God may give them a solution to their family problem. Pray for a solution that will bring glory to God. 

You will be blessed for your obedience. Jesus replied, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice Luke 11:28.

God bless

Images from google images

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