Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Putting on the full armour of God

The truth about the ruler of the world, Satan.

1. He has come to steal and to kill and to destroy John 10:10. He steals love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, generosity, selflessness, godliness and humility. He destroys relationships, communities, careers and reputations. He kills every good thing. He brings diseases, strife and misery into the world. 1 Peter 5:8 warns that we need to be alert because our enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion looking for people to devour. 

2. He is deceptive. In Genesis 3, the devil tricked Eve into believing that by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, she will become more like God. The truth is that God made Adam and Eve in his image, they were already like him. The devil made her feel that by giving her a rule, God was keeping something good from her. The truth is that God said you can enjoy everything in the garden of Eden. The truth is that God gave Adam and Eve life in abundance. He warned them against eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil for their benefit so that they would not die! The truth is that even today, God is not holding anything from us. He has put more in us that we realise. You and I have been given everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him 2 Peter 1:3. You have everything you need to become who God has called you to be! 

Deception is the Devil's favourite thing to do even today. He tricks people into believe that he does not exist Revelations 12:9. He has blinded the eyes of the lost so that they do not see the glory of God 2 Corinthians 4:4. He makes people believe that by living for themselves, they are not submitting to anyone by themselves. He makes them believe that they are living on their terms and by their own rules. It's a lie. There is a spiritual warfare and you are choosing sides. God created us for HIS glory (Psalm 23:3). We are all built to worship Luke 4:8. If we do not worship Jesus then you are worshiping something else - money, family, cars, friends, your talent, career etc - and these take our eyes away from the one true God. 

The devil tricks us into believing that living a holy life, a life pleasing to God, means you lack a life. Yet, when we seek the momentary happiness of this world we are never satisfied. I cannot believe how week after week I was constantly searching for the better party, planning for my next holiday, planning for my next car and constantly comparing myself to others - unsatisfied with my journey and life. Yet, Jesus says he is life and life in abundance! 

The result for me, is that have a joy rooted deep down in my soul! I am able take every moment and be grateful to God that he would make it possible! I enjoy and savour spending time with my family and friends more than I did before. I love dearly because I am drawing my love from Christ and it's overflowing to others. I am generous in the mist of what may be perceived as lack. I am believing and trusting God for healing when the doctors reports say it's impossible. I am learning to build child-like faith where I believe that through Christ I can do all things.

3. To use the words of Mark Driscoll, as a Christian, the devil is actively at war against you. We need to put on the full armour of God Ephesians 6:10-13. In Jesus, there is personal protection from and authority over the devil Luke 10:18-20. There is power in the name of Jesus. 

Additional resources:
  1. How you may be opening doors to the demons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgOfNI_QHsI
  2. 2 ways to look at demons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aYQ5UyADHM

Image from google images

In HIS presence

I am currently reading the book of Luke. I'm on chapter 5 at the moment, certain things are notable to me as I observe the reaction of people who hear or are in the presence of Jesus. These things are making me ask myself what reaction do people have when I tell them the good news? In the book of Luke, I see the following reactions:
  • When Elizabeth sees Mary, baby John is so excited to be in Jesus' presence that he leaps for joy in his mom's womb Luke 1:44
  • When the angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds and told them about the Messiah, they went with haste to see the baby and told everyone about what happened and people were amazed at what they had to say Luke 2:16-18
  • When Simeon was in the presence of Jesus, he was moved by the Holy Spirit to bless the child. He said " For my eyes have seen your salvation...". Mary and Joseph marveled at what was said about their son Luke 2: 25-33
  • When Jesus was 12years old he was at the synagogue with the religious leaders of the time - listening and asking them questions. The leaders were amazed by him Luke 2:46-47
  • When John the baptist spoke about the coming of Jesus. People were expectant and wondered whether John himself was the Messiah Luke 3:15-16

  • In Jesus' presence
    • People become disciples. Whenever Jesus taught the good news, "a report about him went out through all the surrounding country". Jesus taught and people spread the good news Luke 4:14-15
    • In his presence, there is praise Luke 4:15
    • People are amazed and astonished at his teaching because his words possess authority Luke 4:32;36.
    • People are healed Luke 4:38-44; Luke 5:12-13
    • Crowds gather and listen to the word of God Luke 5:1,15. People seek him and press in on him Luke 4:42; Luke 5:1. People want more and more of Jesus.
    • People believe. Although Peter and other fishermen had spent the whole night trying to catch fish and caught nothing, he believes when Jesus says "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch". Peter did not look at his circumstance but he listened to the words of Jesus and believed. He caught so much fish that the bible says their boats began to sink Luke 5:4-11
    • In the presence of Jesus, people die to themselves and live for Christ. People leave everything and follow him Luke 5:11
Lord Jesus, help me to show people your true character. I want people to press in, seek after and gather so that they may have more and more of you. Nothing is worth more than being in your presence.

Additional information:
Beautiful song by Bryan and Katie Torwalt called Holy Spirit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcmUYDU-2DY
http://marshill.com/media/best-sermon-ever/dr-paul-tripp-the-difference-between-amazement-and-faith-mark-6-45-52 I listened to this sermon after posting this blog. It's a reminder that we cannot stay in amazement but we have to live by faith. Dr Paul Tripp explains how you can be amazed but still have a hardened heart to the message of God. Listen to it!

Image from google image

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Don't misunderstand the highlight reel

It was my birthday on the 19 August. I had a week long celebration leading up to my birthday and 2 days of celebrations after my birthday! I was showered with blessings and felt very grateful! My cousin sent me the most beautiful message. There were two comments that made me realise that she might have misunderstood my highlight reel on social media. She mentioned that my relocation to Dubai has allowed me to find myself and that I was able to redefine myself because I was away from friends and family. Her message has inspired me to write...

My social media highlight reel above

Jesus said "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may 
have life and have it abundantly" John 10:10. The thief is the father of lies John 8:44

Lie 1: Finding yourself 
I believe that the pursuit of my own happiness led to my unfulfillment. I thought the world revolved around me. I was self-centred, self-righteous and selfishly ambitious. I thought too highly of myself and was unhappy when things did not work my way. My move to Dubai made me realise that I needed to stop trying to find myself and find Jesus Christ. He is my creator. He wants me to see myself through his eyes. In his eyes there is nothing I can do to make myself better, more lovable or more valuable. By believing in Jesus Christ-  the cross, his resurrection from death and being baptised-  I became a new creation. God now looks at me and calls me his child, co-heir with Christ, righteous, blameless and forgiven Ephesians 1:4-6Romans 8:1. He created me so he knows everything about me including what will bring me the most joy. God brought me to Dubai so I can lose myself and live to bring HIM the glory. Because he is the source of life, being plugged in to him allows me to be more alive. Jesus asks us to die to self so that we may find life in him Mark 8:35. So this is what you are seeing cuzzy, me trying to die to myself daily and be more obedient to the will of God. The joy comes because all good things are from God.

Lie 2: Re-define yourself by... Doing something - in my case leaving the comfort of my family & friends to find myself or getting a better job or a better car etc
Jesus himself is all satisfying John 6:25-71, having a personal relationship with him brings joy. He has authority over everything. You don't have to do anything to get your identity because the truth is that we are made in HIS image. His death on the cross has DONE it all. On the cross, he took away all failures so you can try something new. He took away loneliness so you can fellowship with him and others without fear of rejection. He took away guilt so you can confess and be free from condemnation. He is victorious and through him you can be to! We can have momentary happiness because of good circumstances but joy only comes from Christ. Joy is constant and not dependent on circumstance. It is powered by the Holy Spirit and allows you to endure any situation knowing that it's designed by God for HIS glory. In difficult times you know God is grooming you to be better. In good times, you give him all the glory because God is worthy. 

So cuzzy, I would keep the message the same:
  1. You don't have to change countries to find yourself. Some people leave for foreign countries and come back worse off. Most of the time the environment is not the issue, the problem is within the individual. Moving often amplifies the problem. Seeking Jesus is the only solution. Give your life to Jesus Christ, he promises to give you a life in abundance.
  2. Read your bible to know the will of God for your life. And if it's his plan for you, he may lead you to another country. All he does is aimed towards his glory. 
  3. Find a church that is based on biblical truth
  4. Make friends with Christians so that you can have people encouraging you as you lead a life that is obedient to the will of God. It's not an easy journey, that's why the bible says the gate is narrow and few walk this journey Matthew 7:13-14. Temptation is everywhere, so you need people who not only encourage you but who also pray for you.
I will keep you in my prayers.

Love you to bits,

God bless

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Mamkhulu vibes...

On the 26 July 2013 my nephew was born. By him being born I was given a new role - Aunty. I like the word Aunty in my mother tongue "Mamkhulu", directly translated it means older mom. It got me thinking about what advice I would give my nephew as his older mom. What advice should I give him as he grows older and embraces the future ahead of him.

Dear Zigi,

1. Build your identity in Jesus Christ
  • You are created in the image of God Genesis 1:26
  • You are wonderfully and fearfully made Psalm139:14.
  • God knit you in your mother's womb Psalm139:13
  • He loves you. He cares for you. He is your provider Psalm 23:1
  • You must love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength (Mark 12:30). Jesus is worthy of all your affection.
  • If you delight in him and dwell in him he will grant you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4)!
  • Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Do not step away from your parent's teaching on the importance of Christ.
2. Every good and perfect gift is from God
  • God is Good. He is kind to evil and good people alike Matthew 5:45
  • James 1:17 puts it like this every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

3. Money
  • Money is a gift from God. It's a means for you to live Ecclesiastes 5:19. It is not a tool to entice women. Many men have fallen whilst trying to attract women with money and other material things. I've heard of men who call a car a panty-dropper or who wish they could drive their cars into a party/club because it attracts girls better than they ever could. You are not this guy. You should not treat women like objects. 
  • Do not use money to gain power or to take advantage of others Deuteronomy 24:14. I've seen grown men grovel at the feet of a man with more money than they do. If you are fortunate enough to be the rich man do not use your money to feel superior to other men. If you are in the company of a rich man know who you are in Christ. You bow to Jesus Christ.
  • God gives us much but asks for a meager 10% of our income in the form of tithing. This money is for your local church so that it can sustain itself, proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and give generously to others. Tithe to acknowledge that the reason you have an income is because God has provided you with a means of making money. It's his money and you are showing gratitude that he would make you a custodian of it. This is the only time in the bible that God asks us to test him (Malachi 3:10). Test him. I've seen that he is able to provide and exceed expectations.
  • Work hard for your money. Greed makes many men gain money in illegal activities through cheating, drug smuggling, human trafficking, bribery, lying and stealing. Many of these men land up in jail. Do not be one of them. Rather, eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours (Psalm 128:2). The bible warns that people who gather money through sin are gathering it for those who are loved by God (Proverbs 13:22Ecclesiastes 2:26)
  • As you become a man you need to be able to provide for your family Proverbs 15:27. Where a man spends his money it's where his heart lies Luke 12:34. Don't just say you love your family, show that you care by how you spend your money. 
  • Do not finish all your money in this lifetime, it is wise to leave an inheritance for your children one day Proverbs 13:2.
  • God has blessed you to be a blessing onto others. Give generously to those who are less fortunate than you are 2 Corinthians 9:7. If you cannot give money, give of your time. My dad always says that money is like manure, if you keep it together in a pile it starts to stink but if you spread it on the grass it starts to do beautiful things. Give generously and watch as people's lives are changed by your generosity. 

4. Women

  • Pray to the Lord for a wife of noble character. Scripture admits that it's difficult to find a woman of noble character. She is worth far more than rubies Proverbs 31:10.
  • Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain Proverbs 31:30. Look for a woman who fears the Lord. I recently went to Monaco. I saw women who have based their entire worth on their bodies and looks. These women were much older than me and still wearing outfits that barely covered their bodies. I saw moms dressed the same as their teenage daughters. I saw men who paraded these women like trophies and I was sad for them. Sad because I saw a grandma who never outgrew it. She still saw herself as that beautiful young woman. Her face was talking of the many plastic surgeries as she tried to pull every facial wrinkle she could until she couldn't pull anymore. My brother described her make-up as "She looks like she robbed a clown". She was trying to cover up her wrinkles. I felt sorry for her because she was still holding on to her youthful beauty which vanishes with time. Be attracted to a woman by her looks but cement a relationship by something more than her looks. 
  • She must have a good work ethic. The wife described in Proverbs 31 is hardworking, provides for her family and is resourceful. Do not look for a women who is happy to spend your money and not contribute to the family's well-being. Family well-being differs from family to family - find out what works for you and your family and do that well. If you and your wife decide that she is going to be a housewife - do it. If you both decide to work for a living go for it. But whatever you decide ensure that the well-being of the family comes first. 
  • She must have your interest at heart. She must encourage and be inspired by your dreams. I love this verse Proverbs 31:11 when it says "Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value". To have such a woman in your life! What a blessing from God. 
5. Family
  • When you become married, you become one flesh with your wife. This relationship is more precious than any other relationship you will ever have on earth. God comes first. Your wife comes second. Yes you heard right, your wife not your mom. The best thing a man can ever do for his children is to love their mom. Your relationship with your wife is something your children will one day mirror in their own lives. Your son would want to love his wife like you love his mom and your daughter will look for a husband who treats her like you treat her mom. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in doing it well. You want to leave a good legacy.
I'm sure that as time goes by you will face all kinds of trials and triumphs. In all of it, if there is one thing you can take out from this is put all your trust in God. He will guide your ways. And when God is your guide, you shall not be in want.

I love you too much,

Mamkhulu Nolitha
(images courtesy of google images)

Saturday, 17 August 2013

The inconvenient truth

The Lord our God is just and good. He is Holy. He therefore cannot stand the sight of sin Habakkuk1:13. The law is God's perfect standard of how we can please him. If it wasn't for the law we wouldn't be able to appreciate how sinful we really are Romans 7:7-12. And how we deserve the full wrath of God for our sins. When I was awakened to my sinful nature and how I could never measure up to God's perfect standard, the message of God's grace was music to my ears. I learnt that Jesus died to redeem me from captivity of sin, death and Satan. I believed this truth and I was born again. I became a new creation. I died to self and live to bring glory to God. My baptism was my public declaration of this truth. I am now free from bondage of sin and I am a slave to Christ 1 Corinthians 7:22. I am lead by the Holy Spirit. Even though I am saved, I am still sinful Romans 7:15-16. That is why I am so glad Jesus made me righteous with God Romans 7:25; 1 John 2:12. Romans 8:1 says therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. I find out what the will of God is by reading my bible which is God's word.

The sin I will focus on is in this post is sexual sin. Sexual sin as described in the bible includes adultery, fornication, beastiality and homosexuality 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Leviticus 18

I'll start with the sin I am most familiar with fornication. Sex before marriage has become acceptable practice in our society. We accept children born out of wedlock. We tolerate people who date for years without committing. We call marriage outdated and choose to live together. We expect young people of a certain age to become sexually active. I realised that my conscience became seared which is why I never felt guilty about disobeying God like this 1 Timothy 4:2. I was exposing myself to messages that were reiterating my decision to disobey: government messages where I ignored abstain but listened to Be Faithful and Condomise. My environment also contributed - the tv, magazine, music, my company - all made me feel it was okay. Sex before marriage has it's consquences - heart-break, depression, over-investing in the wrong relationship because the sex is good, unwanted pregnancy, sex without strings which leads to strings and sickness - to name a few. To be honest with you, the Holy Spirit convicted me until I stopped. I am not taking credit for any of it because if it was by my choice I would still be engaging in fornication and not seeing anything wrong with it. The most powerful scriptures I've read about keeping my body pure is from 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." I realised that I had the Holy Spirit living in me and couldn't defile my body any more. Sex is a gift from God for married people and if you don't have self-control it's best to get married 1 Corinthians 7:9.

Men cheat - I've heard this so many times. Our society expects a married men to commit adultery. You hear young women being warned about it months leading up to the wedding. He will cheat but "Kuyabekezelwa emshadweni". Some are perpetual cheaters but sometimes you find the one who will cheat on you once or twice! Then you are lucky. You listen to talk shows and hear adulterous women/men boasting about wrecking marriages - it's a sad reality. I read the bible and my understanding is that God loathes adultery. In the Old Testament he commands the Israelites to stone to death the adulter and adulteress Deuteronomy 2:22; Leviticus 20:10. God says that if you commit adultery you will not go to heaven that's how serious He is about it 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. God's word says adultery is not something you must expect when you get married. God hates adultery so much that it's the only time Jesus permits divorce Matthew 5:32; Mathew 19:9. I know that men and women can commit adultery  I focus on men mainly because our society still frowns on women who commit adultery more than they do with men. What the bible tells us to do to prevent adultery:
  • Look to your wife/husband for sexual fulfillment. Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. Proverbs 5:15;1 Corinthians 7:3-5 
  • Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation, The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak Mark 14:38
  • Be aware of seductive men & women. Proverbs 5:3 says "For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil"
  • Flee from sexual immorality. You are not strong enough to overcome it so avoid any situation that will lead to temptation. Put the necessary precautions so that you are not lead into temptation. In Genesis 39:18 when the Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph he "left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house" 1 Corinthians 6:18; Proverbs 5:8 
  • Pray for Self-control. A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls (Proverbs 25:28). One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is self control Galatians 5:22-23
Q&A taken from Pastor Mark Driscoll's FB update

Beastiality Leviticus 18:23; Deuteronomy 27:21, I recently read a story about a women who had and recorded her sexual encounter with a dog, thankfully this is frowned upon by society at large.

Homosexuality, like adultery and fornication, is a result of God giving us over to our shameful lusts Romans 1:26-27. I want to be clear that people who rape, are hateful or violence towards homosexual people are inhumane. Jesus pointed out that the two greatest commandments are Love for God and Love for fellow man. In Mark 12:29-31 He said "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'. Those who claim to be doing this in the name of God do not understand these two greatest commandments. If you love someone you do not hurt them rather you lead them to Jesus. 

The truth is that God hates sin. And he punishes those who sin against him. Yet because He loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son to save us. So that whomsoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life John 3:16. Jesus is the truth, the way and the life John 14:6. When we commit our lives to Jesus we are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. We will sin but we thrive day by day to draw closer to God. So that by power of the Holy Spirit we may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way Colossians 1:10.

I was asking myself why I felt the need to write this and the answer is in John Piper's book Bloodlines. It goes like this "The debt I feel is not to any particular group. This is a debt to all sinners. The kind of happy debt awakened by the experience of God's grace in Christ. Paul said in Romans 1:14 "I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise and to the unwise" (KJV). What did he mean by that? He meant that, owing nothing in himself, Jesus has called him and forgiven him and accepted him and promises him everlasting joy in the presence of God...here he was - the "foremost" of sinner (1 Timothy 1:15) - overwhelmed with Jesus's redeeming love. The effect this had on Paul was to give him a joyful sense of indebtedness to all other sinners like himself."

My prayer is that you may know Jesus and experience God's loving grace at a personal level.

God bless

Additional resources

(image courtesy of google images; video courtesy of youtube)

Saturday, 3 August 2013

God is for God

This is one of my favourite sermons, I listen to remind myself that I am created for the Glory of God.  God is for God by Matt Chandler. Enjoy

(video courtesy of youtube)