Wednesday, 10 June 2015


Have you ever done something that you know you should not do? You know tell a lie to get yourself out of trouble? Take credit for someone else's hard work? Spread a friend's secret because it was just too juicy not to share? I mean those embarrassing sins you dare admit only in a whisper, incase someone hears you. I found myself in a similar situation last week, where I know what I should be doing (the right thing) but ended up doing the complete opposite. I am glad to see that I am in good company, Paul complained about the same thing in Romans 7:18-19 "For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.". Paul refers to a sinful nature that is in each one of us that knows God's Holy law yet continues to disobey it.

The reaction I had after disobeying God was similar to my original parents Adam and Eve, I wanted to hide from God. I wanted to separate myself from God's holiness so that he would not see my guilt and shame. But thanks be to God because now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ who made his way to Calvary knowing that he is dying for my past, present and future sins. He died a death that I deserve so that I may be reconciled with God. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ, who imputes his righteousness unto me so that I can approach God's mercy seat. God forgives those who humble themselves before him. When approaching God for forgiveness, believe that you are forgiven and then forgive yourself. I find that the most difficult part is quietening the voice of condemnation inside to make way for God's truth - because of Christ, I am forgiven. God's mercy is ever available to all who seek him, however, if you have a recurring sin, then you may need to open up to people you trust so that they can help you work through the root cause. Seek forgiveness with a sincere heart of leaving your sins behind and so you can grow and become more like Christ. 

Matt Chandler puts it this way and I am paraphrasing here "God loves you. God sees all that you are and he still loves you. Jesus knew who you were going to be and he still went to the cross to die for you. God knew that you were going to be messy. Christ knew that you were going to mess up often. He knows that you are going to be drawn to wicked things. That's what the cross is about. That's the whole point of the cross. The whole point of the cross is that you are going to fail, you are going to stumble, you are going to feel dirty, you are going to feel awkward. The whole point of the cross of Christ is that there be this mighty picture of HIS love and pursuit of you, despite you." 

May your sin lead you to the God's mercy seat where you will be forgiven and loved, and transformed to Christ's likeness.

God bless