Monday, 29 September 2014

Jesus is...

Pictures of Jesus taken from a sermon by David Platt.
  1. Saviour. Jesus means "the one who will save us from our sins"
  2. Messiah. Christ means "the promised one"
  3. Son of David. He comes from the kingly line of David
  4. Son of Abraham 
  5. Centre of history
  6. Fully human
  7. Fully divine
  8. Sovereign over the wise. Wisemen come looking for him and they bow at his crib.
  9. Shepherd of the weak
  10. Jesus inaugurates a new exodus 
Image from Google images

   11.  Jesus will end the mournful exile
   12.  Jesus loves his fiercest enemies. He loves sinners like you and me.
   13.  Saviour king
   14.  Righteous judge
   15.  Filled with the God the Holy Spirit
   16.  Loved by the God the Father
   17.  Jesus is the new Adam. He resisted temptation fully, when our first father Adam succumbed to           temptation
   18.  True Israel, Jesus was the faithful son unlike Israel
   19.  Jesus is the light of the world
   20.  Jesus is the hope of all nations 

 David elaborates on each of the points on the links below:
1. 20 pictures of Jesus Part 1
2. 20 pictures of Jesus Part 2

God bless