Tuesday, 29 July 2014

No other name

The program for the Hillsong Conference was packed with activities. The doors opened at 8:30am with the first session starting at 9:30am. Then we had a 30min break before we had the "Let's talk church" session. This is when the teens known as "Young and Free" moved into to the youth program. We then had a 30min break before going to our masterclasses. The masterclasses were smaller groups which focused on 3 main streams LEAD, HELP and CREATE. I had chosen the Help stream when I registered for the conference but I could chose any masterclass that appealed to me. We had 30min break between the two master classes. At 5pm the main doors open for the evening session. The session started at 6pm and ended with a worship concert!

Morning Session:
Pastor Brian Houston's sermon was titled "No other name". He spoke from Acts 3:1-10. This is the story of Peter and John who were on their way to the temple and came across a man was lame from birth. He was brought to the temple gates to beg. The lame man asked them for money. Peter addressed him "I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!" (Acts 3:6). And leaping up he stood and began to walk and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God (Acts 3:8). People who were disabled were not allowed into the temple, so this is the first time ever that this man is entering the temple - it's a significant moment. His healing brought him into a new life, he was able to walk into the temple and praise God. Pastor Brian then said, when you do things in the name of Jesus, you can go and do things you have never done!

He spoke about the saving power of the name of Jesus. He read from Acts 4:7-12. He focused on Acts 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved". The gate to salvation is narrow (Matthew 7:13-14). In John 14:6 Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.". He then corrected the misconception that the path must also be narrow. He says that following Jesus is a difficult path but it leads to a big and abundant life! He says we serve a God who enlarges our path (2 Samuel 22:37). We serve a spacious and roomy God (Colossians 1: 19 MSG). We serve a God who gives us a wide-open and spacious life (2 Corinthians 6:11 MSG). We serve a mighty and powerful God (Acts 3:12) who displays his glory through ordinary men and women (Acts 10:26). As carriers of the name Jesus we are called to do more. His parting words were "Don't be consumers of the name but be contributors of the name." And he read this blessing over us Numbers 6: 24-27: "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them."

"Let's talk church"
This session was targeted toward church leadership but was relevant for everyone who leads. The topic was Culture and Pastor Brian Houston focused on 10 cultural traits of Hillsong Church.

  • I am a "can do" person. He says don't let experience hinder you. He spoke about people who kill good ideas because they did them in the past and they didn't work!
  • This is not my job, this is my life. "A hired hand will run when he sees a wolf coming. He will abandon the sheep because they don't belong to him and he isn't their shepherd. And so the wolf attacks them and scatters the flock" (John 10:12).
  • I will serve the Lord with gladness. I do not think in minimums e.g. Do I have to? 
  • Empowerment starts with me. You can even empower upwards. This allows you to set your boss free so they can focus on visionary ideas. 
  • I am not on the gossip train. The target is "last to know..". "The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life" (Proverbs 10:11).
  • I am one of them. It's not an "us vs. them" with my team.
  • I will bring those around me on the journey. He spoke about not dumping the worries on his family but sharing his triumphs as well so that they feel like they are part of the journey.
  • What I'm a part of is bigger than the part I play. Be teachable. "And Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him,"You lack one thing; go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; come and follow me." (Mark 10:21). Do you have someone who loves you enough to tell you what you don't want to hear?
  • I delegate but I don't dump. Most people give the stuff that they don't want to do to people reporting to them, he says be considerate.
  • My spirituality is attractive.

Masterclass 1: Anti-Human Trafficking with Nick and Christine Caine
These are some of the things I learnt about human trafficking:

  • It's the fastest growing crime in the world. It's very attractive because it gives high returns and low risk. Only 1 in a 100,000 European traffickers are convicted. A perpetrator who was caught was asked why he traffics humans instead of guns for instance. His response was "Human are easier to move. You just kick them and they move themselves."
  • People are being trafficked mainly for forced labour and sexual exploitation
  • Almost 30million people are trafficked and the rescue rate is only 1-2%
  • Children as young as 12 years old are trafficked with the age getting younger as the demand for minors increases. 
  • In some instances, people are sold by people they know. We heard a story of a girl who was trafficked by her boyfriend. They went on holiday together and he sold her. Poor parents sell their children to put money on the table. Young girls are handed over to a life of prostitution so they can feed their parents and siblings.
  • In Greece, it's customary for a boy to be taken to a brothel to welcome him into adulthood. This is done by family members - mom, dad, grandparents.
  • You can do something about it! The demand for porn fuels human trafficking as different people are kidnapped to provide different kinds of porn. You can donate to A21 campaign. You can be a volunteer. The are 21 ways that you can help! Check out the link here ! 
  • This is modern day slavery an injustice that needs to be stopped. Every person rescued is a win!

Masterclass 2: Women in Leadership
The speaker was Julia A'Bell. She had such a presence and a warmth about her. I could have sat and listened to her the whole afternoon.
1. Be secure and comfortable with who you are.
She used John 3:22-36 to elaborate on this point. John was a prophet with multitudes of people following him, repenting and getting baptised. Jesus comes and many start following him, repenting and getting baptised. John's disciples come to him to tell him that they are losing people to Jesus. In John 3:30, John says to them "He must increase, but I must decrease." John understood that he's awesome but it's not about him. It's about Jesus. Julia then said - You are awesome! And if you don't believe it say it to yourself until you believe it! But it's not about you. It's about God. An all loving and powerful God. Sometimes you may have to move from the limelight and give God the glory. Know your identity in Christ. Know that you are a child of God. Leaders are givers. And you can only give what you already have. Do not limit yourself based on your circumstances. If God opens up an opportunity then step up and take it. Don't shy away from positions of leadership because of your circumstance rather appoint capable people around you to ensure best results. She spoke about women not taking great opportunities at work because of good reasons like when you are trying to fall pregnant. She says take the job. The company will work around you when you do finally fall pregnant. Be aware of holy discontentment and use this to change direction. Wise decisions are made when you feel comfortable and secure in who you are. Comparison is a dead end road. Don't go there!

2. Be prepared to change and evolve!
She used a well-know theologian - Madonna (LOL). Madonna has manage to stay relevant in over 3 decades, because she understands the need to change and evolve. She says you must be willing to be part of the change or give yourself a "sell by date". There is nothing better than you changing and growing to become more like Jesus. Things to help you with the change - Be prepared to empower others on what you are currently doing. Prepare for your next position by training someone to take over your role! Try something new. Have a positive attitude towards change because it's the only constant. She says Brian and Bobbie Houston have been able to build Hillsong to what it is today because they embrace change. She says the overall effect of being able to change and evolve is LONGEVITY!

3. Be the keeper of the Golden rule
"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them" (Matthew 7:12).

  • Speak in a way that builds others
  • Make kindness your everyday task
  • Listen more than you speak (speak with your eyes)
  • Sleep on it before you make a big decision
  • Confront with the other person's best interest at heart and mind
  • Do what's best for the organisation not just for yourself
  • Have an open door policy
Do not give up! You will reap what you sow

Word from a local pastor:
Chris Mendez spoke about our identity in Christ and knowing the character of God. He said, if you know who God is, then you can have faith in him. He read from Mark 11:22 where Jesus says "Have faith in God." He then read Hebrews 11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him".

Evening session:
The Pastor who headlined the evening session was Bill Hybels from Willow Creek. His topic was TIME. His verse was Ephesians 5:15 "Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise". He asked various questions: "What would your schedule look like it God really ruled it? Is your current schedule working for you? Should your weekly schedule include non-work items? Is the Holy Spirit included in your schedule? He says that a schedule must be less about what I want to get done and more about who I want to become. So if you want to be a good parent, how much time have you scheduled into your weekly planner to spend with your children? He says we should ask ourselves "What investment of my time would it take for me to be a great___________ (fill in the blank - mother, friend, daughter).

He then asked "Who do you want to become?". He read from Luke 4:16 "He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went to the synagogue, as was his custom." He says that Jesus had a custom. He arranged his life in such a way that he didn't miss going to the synagogue for Sabbath. He understood that spending time with God was important so he shifted his schedule to allocate that time. He says we need to spend time with God daily. 15mins a day will make a massive difference. He shared a story of an advertising executive who came up to him after a service and told him that he is too busy and does not have the time for a meeting with God. Pastor Bill's response was "I always made time for stuff I value." I found the story Bill shared online so you can listen to it below:

Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you."

He shared the following questions in closing:

  • What does your God centred schedule look like?
  • What do I need to add to my schedule?
  • What should I prioritise to make more of God?
  • What potential has to be operationalised? 
God bless

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Hillsong Conference Day 1

I went to the Hillsong Conference for the first time in 2014. When I saw the title 'No Other Name' and watched the poem (put link) I knew I had to go. Natasha and I got the wheels rolling and then Ronel (who should be organising things for a living) decided to join us and she practically organised the details. She's really good! Alex and I helped with the swing votes on the organised itinerary!
I have had this burden since coming back from the conference. The burden I carry is that I cannot go to something so life changing and come back the same. I cannot be the same Nolitha Sithole who didn't have all this knowledge. This burden overwhelmed me when after a whole day of praising & worshipping Jesus, I switched on Facebook and my friends were not praising and worshipping Jesus. They were exactly where I left them before the conference. I pray that the Holy Spirit can help me to resist the temptation to go back to who I was. I pray that I may grow even more in love with Jesus and the people he loves so much.
I will be doing highlights from my week at Hillsong. I don't want to compress all that I've learnt into one post so I'll give you day by day update. I learnt that Hillsong is intentional about influencing culture. They don't want to be the best in Christian music, no, they want to be the best music producers. They want to be influential in music, a massive undertaking but worthy of being applauded! They were awarded for this with Oceans (where feet may fail) receiving accolades beyond Christian music. They pursue excellence in creativity, I honestly didn't expect to be entertained like I was at a concert but I was. The opening ceremony was spectacular! All the executional elements that make brilliant concerts were there and it just worked. On stage we had talented people showcasing their God given talent through singing, dancing, playing instruments and presenting. People were honoured. People were celebrated. Speakers listened to each other and spoke about what they personally learnt from the other speakers. The men and women who spoke were different in style and tonality, but they all brought the glory back to Jesus! 
So I knew it was going to be a great week when the opening verse was my favourite verse about Jesus from Paul:
Colossians 1:15-20 ESV
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.
I thanked Jesus right there and then for making this moment possible.
Pastor Brian, the founder of Hillsong church, invited various local pastors to speak every evening. They would share the word before the guest speaker. The first pastor spoke about the baptism of Jesus. He said it was one of those beautiful moments where the triune God head is present. God the Father speaking; Jesus in flesh and the Holy Spirit being represented by the dove. He shared Luke 3:22 when Father God said this about Jesus 'You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.' God affirmed Jesus before he started his ministry. He was announcing to the world 'I love you and I'm proud of you' - words every child longs to hear. Notice that God was well pleased with Jesus before Jesus did anything! He then brought it to identity saying "when you don't know the love of the Father then you compete". He said you have one opponent and that's the adversary. He ended with words that stuck to me throughout the conference, "You will be hearing brilliant talks over the week, don't be so caught up in the talk that you miss Jesus".
The guest speaker was Pastor Steven Furtik of Elevation Church. This young man is anointed. His sermon was from 2 Corinthians 3:12 ESV "Since we have such a hope, we are very bold,". His talk was titled - the problem with Pintrest. He says the problem with Pintrest is that we get caught up in a life of comparison. I guess that's social media in general. He says we must stop consuming other people's perfection. He taught me about Pintrest fail which is all the failed attempts at replicating something learnt from Pintrest. There are some hilarious disasters! He spoke about getting vulnerable with others. Tweet worthy line - Don't just show your progress only, show your scars for people to grow. He says he marvels at God - how God can know me so well yet still love me so much? He spoke about the importance of being known. He said it's important to remove the veils that we put on and be fully known - warts and all. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom! 
Some key take outs:
1. Stop hiding! Unveil yourself
2. Stop having comparisons with other people's perfection. Compare less and contemplate more
3. God heals us from glory to glory not from shame to glory. Share your shame, bring it to the open and let God replace that with his glory!
My testimony:
When I was young something happened to me that changed the way I viewed life. I have always been a works person, you know, work to get people's affection. After this incident it was intensified, I would bring a school report so I could hear my parents' words of praise. I thought the results determined how much love I could get from them. In hindsight so silly but sometimes I catch myself doing it with loved ones even today. Sometimes, my reason for doing good is not a generous heart but a validation in waiting. People are the worst place to get validation. They are so busy walking through their own issues they don't know you need them. My sins, compiled with my need for validation and my negative self perception left me with an appearance of confidence. I was so worried I would be caught out. People will know me and they won't like me. For a person who relied on people for affirmation it would have been the worst thing to happen.
God pursued me. He brought me to a place where I had no one to rely on but him. The more I told him I needed him. The closer he came. God made me cry a lot when he was removing my veil. He showed me my obsession with comparisons. In high school, I had the brightest friends ever. Nthakoana is a genius. She would read over her work and know it. She didn't study but read through her notes and understood. She got 100% for mathematics - enough said. Sisi excelled in accounting. My worst subject. She tried explaining it to me but I didn't have the clarity that she had. So I did what most South African do with mathematics and science. Do enough papers and crammed my way to passing. I got exposed in Matric trials. I got 30% in my accounting exam. I nearly died. My teacher refused to allow me to drop to standard grade. I did get B for my finals so there is a good story to tell! An answer to my prayers of just a pass Lord! That's one side of the story the one my negative side focused on - not measuring up to my bright friends. God in his infinite wisdom gave me the best parents. Every year I showed my report to my parents and they would want everyone in the family to know how well I was doing at school! They would celebrate my report. My babomkhulu was a doctor, when black doctors were not meant to exist, inspite of the high obstacles the government put on them he persevered and became a much loved doctor in Soweto. He saw my matric final results and said I should have applied to be a doctor because my results were excellent. I did well. But I was left feeling sad because I never got my academic colours. I missed the celebrations. And sadly this is one example of many.
Jesus started cleaning me. He exposed things. There was a lot that I had to ask forgiveness for and people I had to forgive. I started my journey of being known. My healing required me telling my story so I told Starla, my pastor's wife. Then the Holy Spirit prompted me to unveil myself to my parents. I wanted to do it face to face so I bought time. I was hoping that I could convince God to change his mind. I remember praying that if I tell my parents know who I am and they don't like me anymore God has to be there to catch me. I spoke to my parents. God gave me the most amazing parents. My relationship with my father was strengthened from me unveiling myself. I had a privilege of praying with him recently for a problem he was dealing with for over 5 years. God answered and the problem was resolved according to my father's desire. My mom (in English she's called stepmom) and I are praying for God to do the impossible in our family. Our human efforts have failed and God specializes in the impossible!  We are trusting him for big miracles. My mom and I are becoming better friends, we are more open and more involved in each others life.
I thank Jesus for the cross. On that cross Jesus took all my sins away - past, present and future. He took my shame and replaced it with glory. Being fully known, shame and all, means I can now move from glory to glory. My identity is in Christ. The old is gone. I am a new creation. I am loved. I don't have to earn that love. It has nothing to do with me and everything to do with what Jesus did on the cross. I am free. Thank you Jesus.