Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Hair beautiful hair

I have decided to keep my hair natural, it's not a hair stance but for practical reasons. When I was young an inexperienced hair dresser decided to wash my hair before applying a relaxer. To say my head was on fire would be a grave understatement, I was in excruciating pain. I cannot stress enough the importance of educating stylists!!! I never went back to that lady and for years I have not even thought of that incident. It came to mind when I started getting a terribly itchy scalp about 3 years back. When I checked with a dermatologist he didn't see anything but was quick to point a defect on my face that he can fix (which I kindly declined, I mean really stay focused doctor). I decided to cut all my hair off and start afresh. 

I have been enjoying my natural hair and the different styles I have been playing with. I once decided to comb my Afro out but then decided to add shine using a water-based moisturiser and got painfully reminded about shrinkage! I will straighten my hair with a hot iron and for two days it will be manageable but day 3 I don't even recognise it. It's been fun with a bit of panic on some mornings! In the office I am surrounded by various nationalities and the comments I've had on my natural hair range from "Is this your hair?"; "how do you make it look like that?"; "can I touch it?"; "why does your hair stand like that?"; "your hair looks like cotton candy" or "your hair looks like bath foam". And the question I will be asking God one day "why doesn't your hair grow?" Yes I have heard it all...


I recently decided to do a weave, because I didn't want to straighten my hair I got the one that covers all your hair. The response has been equally enlightening... Some people flat out told me to stick to the other styles "this everyone has hair like this the other one is more different".  A lady asked whether I finally have my natural hair and other comments include "this doesn't look like you". I have also had some weird compliments  "you look Indian" and "you don't look African" (I think it was meant to be a compliment). I have also gotten a lot of advise on how to manage my weave, "go to a hairdresser and ask them to cut the ends it will make it look more natural" or "you should style it this way ma'am". I must say I didn't realise that people felt that they had authority over my hairstyles. 

Image provided by Ivor Van Graan (IVG photography.com)

I could get mad but I choose to laugh and be grateful that my hair is able to be a conversation starter. Plus, I have the privilege to educate people about black hair along the way.

Monday, 23 June 2014

King David and the Lord's temple

I know that Solomon built the most extravagant and beautiful temple for the Lord however I did not realise the amount of preparation that King David did to make sure that he lays the groundwork for the temple.
  • David had the desire to build the temple for the Lord, however before he pursued the desires of his heart he checked whether this is aligned to God's will. God responded saying his son Solomon will build the temple (1 Chronicles 17:1-15). For me, this highlighted the importance of praying about your desires, even desires that are aligned to the will of God. 
  • David was not fit to build the temple because he was a mighty warrior that had shed too much blood. God wanted his temple to be built by Solomon as his legacy would be one of peace and quiet. God wanted his heart to be revealed, he is a God of peace and rest (1 Chronicles 22: 8-9). 
  • David understood Solomon's inexperience and prepared the resources needed to build the temple (1 Chronicles 22:2-5; 1 Chronicles 28: 2). David's preparation was so well in advance that he gave Solomon the plan for the temple (1 Chronicles 28: 11-19). If you have children, how are you preparing your children for the destiny that God has in-store for them?
  • David spoke God's vision over Solomon in private and in public. He spoke God's vision to leaders so that that they may support his son when he is no-longer there. Whenever David mentioned the temple of the Lord to his son and the leaders, he informed them about God's will to have the temple built by Solomon. (1 Chronicles 22: 7-10; 1 Chronicles 22: 17-19; 1 Chronicles 28: 1-4; 1). Do you speak the promises of God over your children? Do they know the destiny God has in store for them? 
  • David spoke words of encouragement over his son. He asked Solomon serve the Lord God with all his heart and with all his might. He asked him to obey the statutes that were given to Moses by God.  He told him not to be fearful or discouraged but to be strong and courageous. David also asked God to provide Solomon with discretion and understanding. (1 Chronicles 22: 11-13; 1 Chronicles 28:9-10). 
Image from Google images

Then David said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous and do it. 
Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed, for the  Lord  God, even my God, is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the  Lord  is finished."
 (1 Chronicles 28:20)

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

God's faithfulness

I feel honoured to have been a small part of this story. Natasha shared her story with me as she was going through a tough time last year. And then when her breakthrough came, she wanted me to share her testimony with people who might need encouragement. I asked to share it on my blog and here it is.  I hope that as you read this you don't miss God's faithfulness. I pray that you may know that if God can do that for her surely he can do ________ (fill blank) for me . I hope that you see God's love and his goodness in this testimony.  

Natasha's testimony: 
So last year my husband had a brain tumour and he was operated on 01 August 2013. We were told it was not to be a successful operation but they had no choice but to operate. They were even speaking to me about life as a widow. To make matters worse, my company had major retrenchments. My whole team was affected and we all had to re-apply for alternate roles. So my husband was in hospital and I had to drive up and down from work and the hospital. They did not give me time off. They also made it seem like I was not to get a role because I asked to work flexi time and I was seen as someone who was not committed. All of a sudden- my line manager decided to give me a really hard time and tell me that I was not good enough to be there.

I was at work from 6am till 2pm. I would go to hospital which was an hour drive away. Then I would visit my husband from 3pm- 330pm. And then I would sit in the waiting area and dial in and work till 7pm. I would then go into ICU from 7-8pm and then drive home and get into the house by 9/93pm. All not knowing how his recovery was going to be. I also didn’t know if I was safe with my job. And we needed my job because if my husband was disabled- I needed to work to care for his bills. The stress was unbelievable. And I also ended up getting migraines that would leave me not having any movement on the left side of my body. The devil is very able to tramp you and blind you. There were many moments when I got so angry at my situation that I even stopped believing in God. My biggest mistake. Needless to say- I was in my lowest pit. And I cried out to God- even though I was unbelieving. 

My husband is now back at work full time despite having brain surgery. I have stopped the hectic meds for the migraine and have been migraine free for the past 3 months. I ended up getting an alternate role at my company but then another company approached me and provided me with a massive increase. Now when I pray- I am seeing God make the changes immediately. I had to learn how to pray within God’s will and not my own.

The biggest lesson I had to learn was that this hardship was in God’s will, he needed me to go through this and to come out in awe of all the miracles he has done. I needed to understand his love. That despite me having no certainty- he knew my future and He has always been faithful and provided. I needed to believe the verses where he would take care of his children. Not just read and not understand the depth and breadth of God’s love.

God bless