Today I woke up with a heart overflowing with gratitude.
Thank you Jesus for my family. Thank you for opening my eyes to how they shower me with love. What is more astonishing is that they are but a shadow of the love you pour out to me everyday. Thank you Lord Jesus for revealing yourself to me. I am blessed to serve the one true God, the creator of heaven and earth. Thank you for renewing my mind. Thank you for giving me a new heart. Thank you for for replacing my heart of stone with a heart of flesh. Thank you for surrounding me with God-fearing friends. Thank you for Tuesday prayer meeting and how much they have grown. Thank you for my friends who continue to show me love inspite of the distance. Thank you for 5 years of bliss with my God-fearing boyfriend.
Thank you for my job. Thank you for my managers. Thank you for giving me opportunities in a field that I enjoy. Thank you for a salary that meets all my needs and gives me a little extra for "wants".
Thank you for the time you have given me to soak in your word. Holy Spirit help me to live out the life-giving words in the Holy Bible. Thank you for giving me that conviction that all scripture is God breathed. Thank you for reminding me that all good things come from God the Father. Help me to never lose sight of the love shown on the cross where Jesus died. Thank you for your love Lord Jesus. I am most grateful for you in my life.
Praise be to you Father God.